

Dreaming to be an entrepreneur steering our world toward a better direction with AI/Data Tech. Especially longing to contribute to help tackle fatal problems of our world, like climate disaster or inequality.

Bilingual in both business and engineering, equipped through endeavored experiences in industry and academia.


Belonging to TADA, a ride-hailing service attracted 1.7M users and created 20K driver jobs only within 1 year from its launch, and it’s mother company SOCAR, pioneering car-sharing paradigm based on it’s 6.0M user base, worked for 2 years as a business developer.

Contributed to build a ride-reservation system at TADA from the scratch, and particiapted in notable partnerships with Naver, Hyundai-Card, VISA, Volkswagen at SOCAR. Later, contributed to restructuring new-business of SOCAR, the long-term and P2P sharing.


I received a M.S. of Data Science where I especially concentrated on 3D Computer Vision, and a B.S. of Electrical & Computer Engineering from Seoul National University. Also, I was a sponsored student of Samsung JFL(Junior Frontier Leader) Scholarship which covers full tuition and part of living stipend during B.S.